Thursday, 17 April 2014

Just a quick update, today we fitted the hand brake column this included drilling a 4’ ½ hole in the timber floor and 4 x ¾ holes. As per usual we did not have any ¾ bolts the right length so 4 were dyed down and a split pin hole drilled in each.   As you can see it’s very tidy up that end after Dave attacked it with a hover.  Martin was busy drilling the holes out on the STD brake van so riveting can start sometime soon hopefully.  The last 2 castings (as seen in the last update) for the sand boxes have arrived and will be machined very shortly.

Hand brake column fitted very tidy down there

Todays happy gang


Saturday, 12 April 2014

Over the last few weeks we have been fitting the floor timbers, this has taken time due each timber having to have each end recessed to avoid hitting the rivet heads so they can fit flat against the chassis, as you can see 95% is completed all we need to fit now is under the vacuum cylinder end.

The cabin sides have been given a top coat of brown, the plan is to 2nd coat it when the floor has been completed. 

The axle boxes are coming along, all have been machined and new inserts are being made to make up the wear, these will be screwed to the boxes and machined to suite each horn guild.  All the horn guide faces have now been grinded flat.

The castings for the sand box bottoms have been cast and machined awaiting fitting when the plugs are completed.
Ground horn guides

Packed up waiting to be jacked up higher to allow fitting of the wheel sets when axle boxes are completed

Veranda timber

Cabin end

New casting

Fitted awaiting sand box tops

Axle boxes sleeves awaiting screwing and final machining