Not a great deal of visual items to report for the last few
months, we are still continuing to build the frame on the STD, most of the big
joints are now completed. The cabin door
/ window frames are now being constructed.
When this is done we plan to take it all apart again and using the
router put all the chamfers on the edges and cut the cut outs for the cladding to
go into. We have also jacked up the van
and removed one of the wheels sets for inspection and a clean-up.
All the brake gear on the Bath end has been removed and is
being overhauled / cleaned up. I did
visit another railway recently to take some photos of the vacuum brake system
that long term we are going to make / reinstate on the STD Brake.
Another job that’s cropped up is, it seems some very nice
person has removed the large toad door key from the good shed and either lost
it or has forgotten to return it so a new one needs to be made very shortly if it’s
not returned!