Sunday, 26 April 2015

This month the toad has been moved into the goods shed for the roof to be fitted, so far all of the planks have been placed out and all but the sides have been screwed down as these required the edged being shaped. When this is completed the roof will be sanded making it flat for the traditional canvas to be fitted

The "down" side has been rubbed down again and touched up, when the roof is completed its going to be top coated for the final time outside.

The 2 end angles (1 each end) for the roof have been ordered and should arrive this week ready for drilling, all the canvas bits have also been ordered.

Andy has been busy making the brake linkage that goes between the hand brake nut and the operating shaft, this is 80% completed.

Both toads 68784 and 17464 were taken to Meadow Court crossing a few weeks back to see how 17464 runs i.e. no hot boxes and testing the vacuum, so far no problems.  68784 came as 17464 does not have a working hand brake yet.