Sunday, 26 April 2015

This month the toad has been moved into the goods shed for the roof to be fitted, so far all of the planks have been placed out and all but the sides have been screwed down as these required the edged being shaped. When this is completed the roof will be sanded making it flat for the traditional canvas to be fitted

The "down" side has been rubbed down again and touched up, when the roof is completed its going to be top coated for the final time outside.

The 2 end angles (1 each end) for the roof have been ordered and should arrive this week ready for drilling, all the canvas bits have also been ordered.

Andy has been busy making the brake linkage that goes between the hand brake nut and the operating shaft, this is 80% completed.

Both toads 68784 and 17464 were taken to Meadow Court crossing a few weeks back to see how 17464 runs i.e. no hot boxes and testing the vacuum, so far no problems.  68784 came as 17464 does not have a working hand brake yet.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

The sanding gear has now nearly been completed, the Oldland end has been connected up after the new pipe was bent and the large hole drilled through the wall to allow the operating handle to be attached.  Andy has machined 2 new sockets to allow each end of the pipe to be attached to the operating handle and existing brackets.  The large hole where the pipe goes through the wall will need to be opened up slightly as when the operating handle is just over half way open the pipe rubs the wall timber, then the last plate and bracket can be attached.

The timber for the roof, window frames and last reaming bits of the wall have arrived.  Martin has made a start on the wall ends.

Dave Brooks has nearly finished replacing the worn brake pins and Keith has started on the hand brake.  The hand brake bar was bent in several places, it’s now been straightened and the 2 start square nut should be started soon.

A major step forward was made on Monday when 17464 was moved side wards on to the “system”  This was not planed but with thanks to the wagon team, Marcus, Andy Gay, and John this was achieved in 6 hrs.  Also thanks to Carl from the 4F (44123) group allowing us to borrow 2 of their large ratchets.

The next stage is to get 17464 in the shed and start the roof.

Friday, 23 January 2015

We have concentrated getting the parts of the sanding gear made which were missing.  Last week the Oldland end was finished, as you can see it’s currently being painted.  A bit of minor work is required on the Bath end, hopefully being finished this week.  With the Bath end nearing completion the hand brake column has been fitted making that end look more completed, the only thing missing is the actual hand brake!

All the sanding pipes have now been connected up, after a few modifications to the pipes from the sanders to the rail head.

The vacuum setter pipe has been fitted, this now requires having the bracket fitted to the wall and squared up.

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Thankfully the Christmas period is over and we can get back to normality!  Between the last update and now the sanders have been assembled and finally fitted to the chassis.  Keith and Dave have made 3 new sander plugs, these are in the cast boxes at the top where when they lifted via the operating handle the sand drops down the pipe onto the rail head just behind the wheel.  Some of the parts were laid out on the floor in kit form just before fitting.

The 4 cheek plates have been shaped around the edge of one side of each sander and re bolted to the side of the toad

The last of the larger hinges have been fitted by Andy to the main door, after a few tweaks the door can be hung at a later date after repairs have been completed to it.  Since these have been refitted, the cabin door end sides have been refitted with the remaining timber we have and started to be painted.  These will be finished when the next batch of timber arrives hopefully mid Jan.  Both window frames have been repaired and painted by a few members.  Under Dave and Bob the inside has carried on being painted, so far the 1st top coats have been applied to the sides and the roof hoops.  When all the timber work has finally been finished the 2nd coat will be applied

Major progress had been achieved on the BR standard brake van, both ends have now had the concrete pored thanks to Dave Burton, Martin and Robin, and under the end of the cabin re cast.  4 new studs holding the wooden frame down have also been cast into the concreted at the ends.  We are going to need to drill 4 more towards the middle as the originals have sheared off.  When the weather improves the plan is to clean up the chassis, paint it, and when the toad is completed start the bottom frame.